Robyn Alagona Cutler


Hi, I’m Robyn. I am a Licenced Marriage & Family Therapist, specializing in Perinatal Mental Health since 2012.  

When my first child was born over 11 years ago, I was already practicing as a perinatal therapist and yet I found the transition to parenthood to be extremely overwhelming, confusing, and profoundly anxiety-producing. I needed emotional and psychological support and realized firsthand how lacking it was. As a mom of two kids now and a therapist to moms, I continue to understand both personally and professionally how crucial community is and how much moms need moms. Over the last decade, I’ve been determined to bring more opportunities to Bay Area parents so that they can feel supported, seen, heard, and understood as they transition to parenthood.

At East Bay Birth Collective…

  1. I offer individual and couple’s therapy through my practice, The Postpartum Therapist.

  2. I offer 8-Week, Mama Well - Postpartum Therapy Groups.

  3. I offer From Partners to Parents, a class for expecting and new parents who want to get on and stay on the same page as they make the often bumpy transition from partners to parents.

  4. I offer education for professionals on Mental Health for the Perinatal Time and consult with providers who hope to expand and develop their skills in supporting moms who are struggling with their mental health

Why perinatal mental health support at EBBC?

In our culture, far too often, our mental health is an afterthought and it’s not until we are in crisis that we realize we need support. For as long as I can remember, I have been working to advocate for something different; helping to normalize that parenting is hard and we all need mental and emotional support along the way. At no time has this felt more relevant than now; when modern parenthood and the time surrounding it is so isolating and the village we are told we need, is nowhere to be found. I am thrilled to be a part of EBBC, where maternal and parental mental health is not just valued, but prioritized and where the emotional health of perinatal folks is integrated into all of the care we offer. With an array of options to meet your perinatal mental health needs, we offer a new approach to this tender time. I am thrilled to be a co-creator of this new hub for East Bay families and look forward to supporting you.

Are you interested in individual or couple’s therapy with me?