Pregnancy & Childbirth

Here you’ll find relevant classes and group experiences to ground you in your pregnancy, offer ways to care for your physical body, prepare for birth, and use your time as a pregnant family to prepare for what’s ahead.

  • Childbirth Education

    What: Our Childbirth Education class is designed to fill you with confidence and strategies for coping and connecting as you move towards and through your birth. With a deep dive into anatomy and birth physiology, opportunities to practice breath and hands on comfort measures, context building around birth place and interventions, and plenty of time for questions, you’ll come out of this series feeling prepared for birth.

    For Who: Any pregnant person and a birth support person

    By Who: taught by doula and educator, Elyse Schroeder

    When: this is a 4-week series offered on rotation every month and a half. Upcoming series:

    Saturday mornings (9:30-12:00), Sept 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th

    Thursday evenings (6:00-8:30), October 17th, 24th, 31st, Nov 7th

    Register: Sign up by clicking below. The fee for this class is $375.

    This class is included in the EBBC ‘Core Offerings Package’ which will save you 15% on class fees.

  • Homebirth Childbirth Education

    What: This Childbirth Education series, taught by a midwife, specifically to families planning out-of-hospital births, is a wonderful way to learn everything you need to from childbirth education through the lens of midwifery care. As someone who experienced both a homebirth transfer and a subsequent HBAC, Morgan joyfully brings her birthing experiences and years of midwifery practice to this class.

    For Who: Pregnant families planning to birth at home or at a birth center

    By Who: taught by EBBC creator & midwife, Morgan West

    When: this is a 4-week series offered every season-ish. Upcoming series:

    Saturday afternoons, (2:00-4:00) August 10th, 17th, 24th and 31st

    Saturday afternoons, (2:00-4:00) October 19th, 26th and November 2nd and 9th

    Register: Sign up by clicking below. The fee for this class is $375.

    This class is included in the EBBC ‘Core Offerings Package’ which will save you 15% on class fees.

  • Connected Roots Pregnancy Circle

    What: An experience of connecting deeply with yourself and others who are pregnant and due in the same season. This offering spans the course of three months with five in-person meetings. We’ll sit together, learn together, reflect together, connect, play, sing, laugh, and emote in all the ways we feel called. There will be a chat specific to your cohort to foster relationships between our sessions and into the future when your baby has arrived. I’ll offer prompts each week to deepen our work together and host ‘Ask a Midwife’ chats for you to bring questions relevant to pregnancy, birth & postpartum.

    For Who: Pregnant people, grouped into cohorts by due season.

    When: Friday evenings from 6:30-9

    Fall Due Dates will meet on Jul 19, Aug 9 & 23, Sept 6 & 20

    Winter Due Dates will meet on Oct 18, Nov 1 & 15, Dec 6 & 20

    Register: Sign up by clicking below. The fee for this class is $550.

  • Coming Soon to East Bay Birth Collective, Pregnancy & Childbirth

    Coming soon to East Bay Birth Collective:

    Sibling Prep for Baby

    Grandparents Prep for Baby

    Pregnancy and Neonatal Loss Group

    Pregnancy After Loss Group

    Processing Your Birth Together

    Please get in touch if you are looking for something not yet offered at EBBC, or if you have something you’d like to offer with us!

Our ‘Core Offerings’ Package:

Enroll in all four of our Creator-facilitated offerings to meet your prenatal education needs and save 15% on class fees. Our Core Offerings Include:

Childbirth Education or Homebirth Childbirth Education

Lactation & Newborn Care Education

Tending to Your Pelvic Floor in Pregnancy & Postpartum

and, From Partners to Parents